
Hunters are the unsung heroes of wildlife conservation in America. According to Chris DePerno, a professor of fisheries, wildlife and conservation biology at the College of Natural Resources, hunters provide financial support for state wildlife agencies and play an important role in wildlife management activities. By hunting responsibly and following regulations, hunters help maintain healthy populations of game animals and contribute to the overall health of ecosystems. Join the ranks of responsible hunters and help support wildlife conservation efforts today.


Over the past 20 years, there has been a decline in hunting and fishing conservation efforts, with many factors contributing to the trend.

One of the primary reasons for the decline is a lack of funding and support for conservation programs. As hunting and fishing become less popular in some areas, funding for conservation efforts has also decreased, making it difficult for organizations to carry out their missions.

Additionally, changing attitudes towards hunting have played a role in the decline of conservation efforts. Some people view hunting/fishing as unethical or unnecessary, leading to decreased public support for conservation programs that involve hunting.

Another factor is the loss of habitat and natural resources. As urbanization and other development projects have expanded, many areas that were once prime hunting/fishing grounds have been destroyed or disrupted. This loss of habitat has made it harder for enthusiasts to find suitable locations to hunt and fish, which can discourage participation in these activities and, in turn, reduce support for conservation programs. Nebraska ranks number 48 out of 50 for most privatized land compared to public access land, rounding to 98.2% of its total area is private.

Most conservation programs (NWFT, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited) focus on the animal in their efforts. Each company has done a great job, but we have recognized the decline in hunting/fishing participation among younger generations is the biggest concern, as fewer young people are being introduced to hunting and fishing traditions. This can result in fewer people advocating for conservation efforts or participating in programs aimed at preserving natural resources.

Overall, the decline in hunting & fishing conversation efforts over the past 20 years is a complex issue with many contributing factors. Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from conservation organizations, policymakers, and the public to support and promote hunting & fishing conversation efforts and ensure that natural resources are protected for future generations.

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